Shariar Kabir
I am working full-time as an AI Research Engineer at Celloscope Ltd. and part-time as a Data Scientist at MedAI Ltd. I completed my BSc in Computer Science and Engineering, majoring in artificial intelligence (AI), from Bangladesh University of Engineering anf Technology (BUET). I have over 5 years of experience developing AI-based user-facing services. Additionally, I have extensive experience working with large-scale datasets and drawing insights from raw multimodal data using different statistical approaches. I am interested in learning and leveraging advanced machine learning (ML) techniques to solve real-world problems and refining modern ML models to be more inclusive and effective for diverse populations. Throughout my professional career, my main focus has been to make the interaction between humans and computer applications easier and more intuitive using various ML and NLP tools and algorithms. My detailed CV can be found Here
- [9/22/2024] Our solution AmarDoctor was selected at the 2024 Global Health Equity Challenge.
- [6/16/2024] The preprint of our work on Automatic Speech Recognition for Biomedical Data in Bengali Language is available on arXiv.
- [10/11/2023] Our paper SynthNID: Synthetic Data to Improve End-to-end Bangla Document Key Information Extraction has been accepeted at BLP workshop at EMNLP 2023.